Knockout [KO] Validated Antibodies

Knockout [KO] Validated Antibodies

A high-quality antibody demonstrates target specificity, selectivity, and sensitivity, enabling it to accurately detect the protein of interest even at low expression levels. Nevertheless, cross-reactivity with off-target proteins is still a concern with some antibodies. This challenge may present issues with experimental reproducibility, as non-specific antibodies can impede scientific progress.

MBLI introduces Knockout [KO] validation as the standard of antibody confirmation. The gene knockout validation is used to determine the function of a known sequence. By inactivating the gene that encodes the target protein, we can produce samples with a depletion of the target protein. KO validation is a highly effective technique that confirms the specificity of the antibody as depicted.

Production and Quality Control

A high-quality antibody demonstrates: 

  • Target specificity
  • Target selectivity
  • Target sensitivity
  • Accurately detect the protein of interest even at low expression levels

Representative data demonstrating that the molecular weights measured with KO knockout validated Antibodies and wild-type antibodies:

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Caltag Medsystems is the distributor of MBL products in the UK and Ireland. If you have any questions about these products, please contact us.

Knockout [KO] Validated Antibodies
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